Monday, October 25, 2010

Assignment #4

Here is my link for Assignment #4:

My subject areas were paper conservation, RFID in libraries, and, for something completely different, gynandromorphs. 
My Zotero sites are tagged with zotero and scholar while my CiteULike sites are tagged with citeulike (actually it was "my zotero" but it made the two words separate tags." 
While I liked Zotero's sorting features, I was frustrated by the fact that it did not like to save certain webpages thus making it difficult to make this a comprehensive list.  I did not like the search feature on CiteULike; it either produced hundreds of irrelevant results or, as in the case of gynandromorph, almost no results.  But while it does not sort everything the way Zotero does, it does have a much more open design making it easier to read. 

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